What is naturopathic medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a primary healthcare system that blends modern day science with traditional methods of healing. The following 6 principles guide how naturopathic doctors practice medicine:
Do No Harm
Naturopathic doctors aim to choose treatments that are the least invasive and have minimal side effects. This doesn't mean that naturopathic doctors are against medication or surgery, but often times, especially when it comes to chronic conditions, there are safer and equally effective options to try first like diet and lifestyle changes.
The Healing Power of Nature
We recognize the human body's innate ability to heal itself and aim to support it and remove any obstacles to healing.
Identify and Treat the Root Cause
Naturopathic doctors strive to find and treat the underlying cause of disease rather than provide band aid solutions that only manage or suppress symptoms.
Treat the Whole Person
We believe that disease affects the whole person physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Because everything is interconnected, we must treat the whole person rather than individual organs or body systems.
Doctor as Teacher
The word “doctor” is derived from the Latin word, docere, which means to teach. It only makes sense then that as naturopathic doctors, we help our patients understand their medical conditions and teach them about health and wellness. There is great therapeutic value that comes from this unique doctor-patient relationship.
Health is more than just the absence of disease. As naturopathic doctors, our goal is to prevent disease before it even happens. We do this by asking about family history and assessing risk factors that may increase the chances for certain diseases. We also provide dietary and lifestyle counselling to help patients create healthy habits in their lives.
Does our philosophy of medicine resonate with you?
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how naturopathic medicine can help you.